Monday, March 8, 2010


I met a thirtysomething lawyer after work for a drink at a trendy bar on 14th Street. As I was walking there, he sent a text letting me know he was already at the bar. This calmed my nerves a little as now I wouldn't have to worry about standing alone cradling a glass of wine while staring at the door wondering if each guy who entered was 'him'. As soon as I walked in the very crowded wine bar I noticed a extremely attractive guy walking toward me smiling. Oooh...good sign, I thought. He was slightly taller than me and more attractive than his profile picture. Two very good things that tend to not happen very often (in my experience). I'm relatively tall for a woman and often feel as if I live in a city inhabited by short men. Not that there is anything wrong with short men per say, I just like to know a prospective date has the ability to pick me up at any given moment and not vice versa.

After a brief introduction we decided to go to another bar across the street that promised to be less crowded. I immediately noticed that he was very well dressed, another plus. We found seats at the bar of the second place and began talking about our lives. Several glasses of wine later I found myself to be completely enthralled by how brilliant and interesting this guy was. I started to fantasize about future dates and then something he said made me slowly come back to reality.

"And that's when I started doing extensive research on the existence of UFOs. I really want to prove to people they exist and come to Earth much more often than people realize".

Wait. What?

In my inebriated, daydreaming haze I had completely missed the fact that this guy had been rambling on about various UFO findings and his obsession with them for the past twenty-five minutes. I suppose I always thought it was kind of fun to think there were other life forms out there and know there have been evidence of UFO sightings, but I had never spent an inordinate amount of time contemplating it. And I definitely never conducted 'extensive' research on the topic.

I told him I was totally open to the idea that there was indeed life on other planets and believed UFOs could very well have landed here on Earth. He looked at me like it wasn't a question of whether they existed or not, but more about when the next UFO was going to come and where will we be when it arrives.

Now, I usually pride myself on being able to hold my own in most conversations, but this was a tough one. Was I more drunk than I thought or was this guy really being as serious as he seemed at that moment? Regardless (as I previously mentioned) he was very cute, tall AND successful so I didn't want the date to end just yet.

Around this time the bartender asked if we wanted yet another round. Considering I had almost slipped off my barstool a number of times, we collectively decided we had consumed enough wine for one evening. I remember him paying the bill and then what do you know? We continued the date back at my apartment.

All in all the date was pretty fun, but I just couldn't grasp his passion regarding the extraterrestrial. He sent me a nice text later the next day, but I didn't hear from him again for another 3 weeks and by then I was off on my next misadventure. To this day, whenever I come across my old VHS tape of "E.T" (which is often as my apartment is small so everything is pretty much visible) I think of him.

Score: 6 points


hoogrrl said...

He sounds out of this world!

Unknown said...

This is going to be another addictive page I will visit everyday!!!Love it though++++++