Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pre-Screening Phone calls

Today, I'm going to take a break from my usual type of blog post. Last night I was reminded of the importance of the often overlooked pre-date phone conversation. I'm not a big phone person (actually I loathe talking on the phone and try to do it as little as possible), but sometimes it can really save you from making a dating mistake. I was engaged in a game on phone tag with a guy I'll call Blonde that ended up in a very one-sided 30 minute phone conversation late last night. Can it even be called a conversation when only 1 person is talking? Anyway, I could tell within the first 5 minutes our temperaments were not well suited for each other. Then, the topic of healthcare came up (I assure you I would not bring up something so controversial withing the first few minutes of talking with someone I had never met). Woah. Something was unleashed deep within Blonde and he proceeded to rant for a good 20 minutes rambling on about how healthcare was a luxury much like owning a car. I did not agree with 1 word that came pouring out of his mouth, so I used this time to do some things I hadn't had a chance to take care of during the day, such as checking my email and cleaning my bathroom. The whole conversation left me with a bad feeling about this guy and a bad case of insomnia.

When I woke up this morning, though, I reminded myself that enduring a lousy 30 minute conversation was worth it to prevent a potential bad date from happening (which takes much more time and energy than a mere phone call). I will take this little lesson into consideration for my next potential internet date.

On a somewhat unrelated note; while I was in my apartment building's gym this morning, walking quickly at an uphill slant on the treadmill, I noticed a Cosmopolitan magazine sitting on ground waiting for me to pick it up. As I flipped through the pages my eyes rested on the lovely face that is Ian Somerhalder, i.e. my new celebrity crush. His handsome face and smoldering eyes reminded me of all that is beautiful and good in the world, so I have decided to post a picture of his lovely face.

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