Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Neighborhood Liquor Store Guy

Just when you think your day can't get any worse; your checking account is over-withdrawn by $200, the unpaid bills are piling up and you keep getting calls from a mysterious 1-800 #, the cute guy who works at your neighborhood liquor store asks you out! Nothing like a few compliments and a little flirtation to improve an otherwise shitty day.

However, after you give said guy your phone #, you realize by the end of the day he has texted you a gazillion times and wants you to meet his roommate. He proceeds to tell you that 'you're not like other girls' and feels like he 'could talk to you for hours'. This leaves you asking yourself a familiar question, WHERE ARE ALL THE NORMAL MEN?

You then receive a call from Canadian Guy who you haven't seen in over six months and think...could there be a Canadian Guy Part Deux?

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